We hold to:

"An unchanging faith, in an ever-changing world."

Schedule of Services


Sunday School 10:15 AM
Holy Communion 11:00 AM


Evening Prayer 6:30 PM

Other Pages
of interest
for the Church

The Southern Episcopal Church:
A traditional Episcopal Church

Articles of Religion
Articles of Religion

Presiding Bishops Page:
Of the Holy Spirit

All Saints Mission Statement:
The Mission Statement for the Church

Diocese of the South.:
Diocese of the South

Who we are.:
We Are Traditional Episcopalian Christians

Hymns of the Church:
Listen to some of your favorite hymns.

Bible Gateway:
Look up scriptures

Confirmation in the Bible
Facts About Confirmation.

News and Articles

Scriptural Warnings for Today:
Relavent Scriptures

Book of Common Prayer Online:
1928 Book of Common Prayer Resources

Your Web Site On

All Saints
Anglican Orthodox
Southern Episcopal Church

All Saints Church is a loving Church family, seeking only to serve our Lord. We do this by serving our fellow man who is lost and seeking the way. We are located at 46th and Park Avenue in West Nashville. That is three blocks South of the 205 exit (46th Avenue exit) off Interstate 40.
If you are seeking our Lord in your life and seeking to live your life in our Lord. Come let us seek Him together. We are not a strange new cult, but a group of mere Christians continuing in the faith and practice of the Episcopal Church as brought to this country in 1789.
We have not and will not change nor be moved from being a part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church of Jesus Christ. We believe the Holy Scripture to be the revealed word of God, inerrant and unchanging for all men for all times. We worship liturgically from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
We believe the worship service should be centered on our Creator and not on a man who merely preaches his Word. We invite you to join us and see how it has ever been done by those who seek only to serve. In service to our Saviour and our fellowman.

All Saints Church, the friendly Church with the red doors.

All Saints Church, Nashville, Tennessee
Serving since 1963


The Most Reverend Huron C. Manning, Jr., Rector
4513 Park Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37209
615- 498-7016

Other Clergy at AllSaints
The Reverend Paul G. Wilson, MDiv
The Reverend Roger Hosmer

All Saints Vestry

Kay Sanders - Senior Warden
Minor Terry -
David Manning
Wilma Richards-Love - Secretary
Patrick Reade - Tresurer

Contact us at:

All Saints Church

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May God bless you.